Sunday, April 11, 2010

Get Out of That Upper Room

It must have felt safe to be with the other disciples in that upper room. Surely officials were after these followers of Jesus. At least the disciples could be together, secluded from a world that now seemed so empty without the one who had changed their lives and turned their worlds upside down. Who could predict what would happen outside the walls of that house? Now Jesus'followers were left to their own devices. But were they? Little did they know that Jesus would become manifest among them, would eat with them, would instruct them, and leave as quickly as he appeared. Now it all began to make sense. He was the resurrected Lord, just as prophesied, just as Jesus had said would happen. The disciples could no longer contain their faith. They now knew that everything must be different. They had a treasure of knowledge that must be shared with those who had not known Him. Ascension and Pentecost would soon follow. There were no more excuses. It was time to get out and share the Good News that changes hearts, minds and lives forever.

Today is no different. We stay walled up in our churches. We want to believe that our congregations are safe places to share our doubts, our lives, our experiences with God. Some of us work hard to make it so. That's important, but if that is all we do, we have lost the point. The church is homeplate. But homeplate is worthless unless the player moves away from it, ultimately returning to do it all over again. How are we running the bases? What people outside the church have we touched, cared for, engaged in meaningful conversation about a loving God? The opportunities are all around us. Why are we afraid to venture out with our faith? We say we are reluctant out of 'respect' for others' beliefs. We know so many persons yet we won't probe the depths of human need and spirit which is the core of life itself. We can use these reasons to keep the walls up, but we need to understand that lives may go without knowing the transforming power of God because we chose to be respectful. As we watch the church in America shrink in attendance while surrounded by explosive population growth, what is our excuse?
How do we invite the seeker in? How do we welcome the stranger when we often just want to be friendly with our friends at church, blinded to the newcomer right in front of us?

Easter is here. It is a time to renew our commitment to God and to each other, with a faith that is not afraid to be shared. Get out of that upper room. You just might be surprised at the joy you find in sharing the Good News that you know to be true. If you are a leader, lead the way. No more excuses.

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